Feel Free to Talk to Us! Phone Number: 978-455-2555

Pain, with whatever forms and reasons there are, has been a necessity to life. The reality of pain reminds everyone of our humanity. In a medical setting, however, pain is not a necessity but a hindrance towards wellness and quality of life. But Integrity Home Care Solutions LLC tells you that life is not pain, it is just one of man’s temporary drawbacks from optimal health, and as temporary as it sounds, pain is curable.

Integrity Home Care Solutions LLC works with therapists and compounding pharmacists to provide effective pain management, particularly for clients with chronic pain experiences arising from their health issues. 

Treatments may include education or therapy performed in the areas of:

  • Hot or Cold Compress
  • Massage
  • Medication (Oral, IV, or Topical)
  • Physical Therapy
  • Relaxation Techniques
  • Restorative Therapy